Project Deliverables
Deliverables published by the MINOUW project
D1-1 Compilation of baseline data
D1-7 Ecological, technical, social and economic characteristics of discarding fisheries
D1-9 Spatial overlap discards - habitats
D2- 1 Implementation_Plan
D2-6 Training materials on Technological Solutions
D2-12 Behavioural responses to novel stimulii
D2-16 Data on the survival of unwanted catch
D3-3 Update specifications of bioeconomic optimization software
D3-6 Methods for developing and computing indicators of Good Environmental Status and economic profitability
D5-1 Stakeholder-based data collection programmes
D6-1 Solutions arising from the bottom-up approach
D6-4 Video feeds and other media communication products
This document provides information on the MINOUW website and video feeds created for the project. (2mb)
D6-6 On-line course ware on the sustainable use of natural resources
D6-14 Background information for journalists
The document proivdes an overview of the project and its goals. (859kb)
D7-1 Report on kick-off meeting
D7-3 Non-disclosure agreement
D1-4 Review of the post-release survival
D1-6 Analysis of fisher’s socio-economic behavior and practices
D1-8 Review of the study fisheries in terms of unwanted catches
D1-10 Vulnerability of key benthic and by-catch species
D2- 3 Implementation plans (Technological solutions)
D2-15 Guidance on Promoting Survival of Discarded Fish
This paper provides examples of the methods and analysis used to undertake survival assessments. (1mb)
D2-19 Handling storage transport
This deliverable summarizes desktop and field research carried out during the MINOUW project. (3mb)
D3-2 Overlap of potential unwanted catch and fishing effort
D3-5 Software updates (GADGET, ATLANTIS, MEFISTO)
D4-1 Desktop review of general policy framework
D5-2 Data-recording apps tested by fishiries
D6-11 The process of capture and improvement of selectivity
Iniciativa cientifica, tecnologica i social per minimitzar les captures no desitjades de les pesqueres europees (11mb-Report in Catalan)
Scientific papers, posters, etc.
Research papers and other material published by MINOUW project participants.
Mixed-fish commercial categories as a strategy for reducing discards from the small-scale fleet
Differential adult survival at close seabird colonies - the importance of spatial foraging
Fishers’ perceptions of the European Union discards ban: perspective from south European fisheries.
ITQs, Firm Dynamics and Wealth Distribution: Does full tradability increase inequality?
Unraveling the life cicle of two small gobies: age validation and determination
Predictable anthropogenic food subsidies, density-dependence and socio-economic factors influence breeding investment in a generalist seabird
Varying demographic impacts of different fisheries on three Mediterranean seabird species
Endogenous fishing mortalities: a state-space bioeconomic model
Predator arrival elicits differential dispersal, change in age structure and reproductive performance in a prey population
Occurrence of adult anchovy in Catalonia (NW Mediterranean) in relation to sea surface conditions
The social cost of fishery subsidy reforms
A Bayesian model of fisheries discards with flexible structure and priors defined by experts
A dynamic economic equilibrium model for the economic assessment of the fishery stock-rebuilding policies
Colonisation in social species: the importance of breeding experience for dispersal in overcoming information barriers
Reconciling yield stability with international fisheries agencies precautionary preferences: the role of non constant discount factors in age structured models
Assessment of the relative catch performance of hake, red mullet and striped red mullet in a modified trawl extension with T90 netting
Exploring the effects of discarding using the Atlantis ecosystem model for Icelandic waters
In this study the ecological and economic effects of discarding were investigated using the Atlantis model for Icelandic waters. (Scentia Marina)
Effects of reallocating fishing effort from trawling to creels in a Norway lobster fishery
"Bycatch and discards survival rate in a small-scale bivalve dredge fishery along the Algarve coast (southern Portugal)"
The present study aimed to quantify the bycatch and discards, estimate damage and mortality, and propose management measures to minimize discards and mortality. (Special Issue Scientia Marina)
A Bayesian model of fisheries discards with flexible structure and priors defined by experts
Here, we present a novel approach consisting of a modular Bayesian model, which can incorporate any relevant explanatory variable, independently of data availability. (Ecological Modelling Elsevier)
Balearic Islands boat seine fisheries - the transparent goby fishery an example of co-management
Environmental drivers of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea)
Suitability maps. ICES CM 2016/I:132
Sheldon Spectrum and the Plankton Paradox: Two Sides of the Same Coin : A trait-based plankton size-spectrum model
Plankton: the paradox and the power law
Comparing the catch composition, profitability and discard survival from different trammel net designs targeting common spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) in a Mediterranean fishery
Demography of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater: the impact of fisheries and time to extinction
Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries
Science, technology and society initiative to minimise unwanted catches in European fisheries – the MINOUW project
An evaluation of socioeconomic factors that influence fishers’ discard behaviour in the Greek bottom trawl fishery
An evaluation of socioeconomic factors that influence fishers’ discard behaviour in the Greek bottom trawl fishery
Consecutive cohort effects driven by density-dependence and climate influence early-life survival in a long-lived bird
Discards and survival of marine benthic invertebrates from the trawl metier for the european hake
To land or not to land : how do stakeholders perceive the zero discard policy in European small-scale fisheries ?
Combining sale records of landings and fishers knowledge for predicting métiers in a small-scale, multi-gear, multispecies fishery
Reducing discards in trammel net fisheries with simple modifications based on a guarding net and artificial light: contributing to marine biodiversity conservation
Experimental fishing trials with standard (control) and modified trammel nets were conducted to assess the possible reduction of discards. (Scentia Marina)
Bioeconomic analysis of the effects of modifying the trawl extension piece with T90 netting
End-to-end model of Icelandic waters using the Atlantis framework: Exploring system dynamics and model reliability
his paper describes the first end-to-end model for the Icelandic waters using the Atlantis modeling framework. (Fisheries Research)
Effects of different slipping methods on the mortality of sardine, Sardina pilchardus, after purse-seine capture off the Portuguese Southern coast (Algarve)
Behavioural responses of krill and cod to artificial light in laboratory experiments
Endogenous Fishing Mortalities: a State-Space Bioeconomic Model
In particular, we illustrate how to apply the methodology to assess the floating band target management regime for controlling fishing mortalities which is inspired in the new multi-annual plans. (ICES Journal of Marine Science)