Blanes event July 2016

MINOUW high level event, Blanes

On July 14th and 15th, fishermen, scientists, government representatives and WWF met in Blanes & Roses, Catalunya to discuss the progress of the MINOUW project.

Francesc Maynou, Project Leader:

“The first results of the project are very promising. Not only we have seen a strong participation of fishermen, but also a very strong will from their part to solve the discards issues. They have started to share ideas with other fishermen and scientists in different countries and other stakeholders to solve the problem of discard. In addition, an app was developed and they will help scientists to collect discards data on a on a voluntary basis.”

Elisa Roller, Head of Unit at Directorate General Maritime and Fisheries Affairs, European Commission, said:

“The MINOUW project is a really interesting example of collaboration and cooperation and dialogue between the fishing sector and the scientific community. It’s not just about sitting around and talking together, but it’s about trying new projects to promote greater selectivity. MINOUW is a perfect example on a pan European scale to measure needs for local fisheries.”


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